Friday, January 22, 2021

The required assembly 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Tools.ApplicationExplorer.dll' does not exists.

I was applying the latest Platform update to one of our internal server when I got this error.


"The required assembly 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Tools.ApplicationExplorer.dll' does not exists."


To solve this error, just copied the dll file to the location where it popped up and that's it. Now, run the step again and the issue is resolved. 
(Hint: you can search this dll file in that drive where VS is installed).

Friday, January 8, 2021

Enable maintenance mode on local VM in D365FO

I found the following warning message while creating/activating new financial dimension on Local VM in d365 FO. For resolving this issue put environment on maintenance mode.


In order to put environment in maintenance mode follow these steps:

1. Run Command prompt as administrator.

2. Execute this command

C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --metadatadir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory --bindir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin --sqlserver . --sqldatabase axdb --sqluser AOSUser --sqlpwd AOSWebSite@123 --setupmode maintenancemode --isinmaintenancemode true 

3. Restart AOS service from IIS

4. Now, Create/Activate financial dimension or  do the changes that you want. once you done. Revert back to environment in normal mode by using this command.

C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe --metadatadir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory --bindir C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin --sqlserver . --sqldatabase axdb --sqluser AOSUser --sqlpwd AOSWebSite@123 --setupmode maintenancemode --isinmaintenancemode false

Done :) 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Apply platform version update to Local VM of D365FO

Here are the following steps to update local VM of D365FO to latest version.

1. Go to LCS:
2. Click on the Shared Asset Library button OR you can go to Asset Library of Project
3. Select Software deployable package and download latest update (you can also view details of package from right side).
4. After download move package to any folder (create new folder) of  C drive where local VM is setup
5. Make sure to unblock zip file from properties before extract deployable package to folder
6. After extract deployable package to folder open Command Prompt (cmd) with administrator in that folder.

Close all the instance of Visual Studio. Now run the following command one by one with sequence

i. AXUpdateInstaller.exe generate -runbookid="OneBoxDev" -topologyfile="DefaultTopologyData.xml" -servicemodelfile="DefaultServiceModelData.xml" -runbookfile="OneBoxDev-runbook.xml" 

ii. AXUpdateInstaller.exe import -runbookfile=OneBoxDev-runbook.xml (In this step it may ask Y/N, then press Y/y)

iii. AXUpdateInstaller.exe execute -runbookid=OneBoxDev

It will take approximatly 2 hours to complete 17 steps. Once its completed, open the environment and you will see that its updated. Enjoy :)